Must-Have Magento Extensions to Spike Your Sales

Must-Have Magento Extensions to Spike Your Sales

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If you own an eCommerce store you’ve probably used or have thought of using Magento® 2. This platform is known for its various benefits; including, the generation of sales and increased conversions. Today we will share top Magento extensions to increase your sales results.

What is Magento Extension?

Magento extensions are tools that allow you to enhance your Magento store. You can customize the site by installing extensions from the Magento extension store.

Magento Marketing Extensions

Among its many extensions, Magento offers marketing features that allow merchants to expand their marketing techniques, reach, etc. The method in which they do this depends entirely on the extension that’s being used. Below, you will find top extensions to increase the results from your marketing efforts.

Loyalty Program by Amasty

This extension is available with both the Community and the Enterprise editions. By using this marketing tool, merchants are able to create loyalty programs for their customers and clients. They can create rewards for those who receive points or who shop often.

A major benefit of using this extension is that merchants can choose among several promotional offers and it includes16 discount codes.

Coupon Link by Web Solutions NYC

By using Coupon Link, merchants are able to create links that are associated with coupon codes. When customers use these links, it provides them with a discount or coupon.

The way it works will depend on how you want to run your store. Most often, the URL is used in blog posts and marketing schemes.

MailBot by Beeketing

MailBot allows merchants to create pre-made campaigns. These include anything from scheduling emails or picking products to display. This is a benefit for anyone who is stressed on time because you can prepare all of your emails in advance to ensure the exact time of your email marketing campaign.

Gift Card by Aheadwords

This extension allows merchants to create gift cards for their customers and clients. The cards are customizable with this extension and the merchants can specify the values of the cards.

Clients and customers are able to use these cards to specify their own gift vouchers based on what their individual preferences are.

Subscribe at Checkout by Mageside

One of the most important factors in marketing is ensuring that your customers are subscribed to your newsletters. That’s because, after the initial sale, you can send them emails that will remind them you’re still around and that you have products that could be interesting for them.

With this extension, you can force your customers to subscribe by email before they checkout.

Rich Snippets by Atwix

The Rich Snippets extension allows you to show more detailed results. When your customers search for your products they’ll see more details about your every item.

Studies show that when eCommerce sites use Rich Snippets, their results tend to show up in higher positions. These results show up 20% to 30% more in increasing their ranking positions.

Even if you make everything to attract your customers with offers and provide them with your product updates, if you have some issues with navigation at your site, they will force difficulties when browsing around. That is why we suggest you the best extensions to improve the user experience at your store.

Best Free and Paid Magento 2 Extensions for Usability

If you’re looking for Magento eCommerce extensions to increase your store’s reach and usability, you might be wondering if there are any you can get without having to pay anything at all. That’s what we’re going to discuss in this section!

Improved Layered Navigation by Amasty

This Magento Commerce extension is one that many install in their Magento eCommerce store(s) because it allows customers to browse through your product catalog more comfortably.

The major benefit of using eCommerce extensions is that your customers have more access to your products. When they have this access to your products, they have the opportunity to buy them more easily.

Beyond this, you can also create the menu to suit your needs, as well as the needs of your clients. The SEO feature of this extension allows you to increase your ranking on Google because you can tailor your URLs and page names to include keywords.

AJAX Cart Pro for Magento 2 by Aheadwords

The AJAX Cart Pro for Magento 2 extension is one of the Magento ?ommunity extensions that allows merchants to create an “Add to cart” feature that immediately adds products from your website to their carts. These products can also have reviews and small descriptions added to them with this feature.

Request for Quote by FME

This is the perfect extension for anyone who wants to offer quotes to their clients. You can install fields for your customers or clients to fill out their personal information. Once they’ve done this, they have the opportunity to send the information to you in order to get an accurate quote or cost of the product.

Share Buttons by Neklo

Any merchant knows the importance of expanding their reach on social media. If you have Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, or Youtube pages, this widget tool allows you to share your site with your other websites. The Share Buttons extension also serves as a Magento blog extension.

Your customers can share your site to their own pages. This is the digital equivalent of word-to-mouth; only, hundreds of people can be exposed to your site at a time.

Detailed Product Review by MageWorkshop

When customers have a good or bad experience with your store, they might want to leave a detailed review about it. This allows potential customers who are using a Magento search module to get an idea about your products.

Development of Extensions

Now that you know about the various extensions available for Magento eCommerce business owners, you might be wondering about how extensions can influence the development of your site and how you can develop extensions on your site.

How to Install Plugin in Magento?

Installing a Magento plugin can be challenging; however, it is very manageable for all merchants when they use the following steps.

First, you should download or purchase the plugin you’re looking for. If a ZIP file is downloaded, you’ll have to unzip it. Some computers come with programs that automatically unzip folders when you try to open them.

Next, you’ll have to disable the Cache. Run the command and your extension will be installed from that moment. For the full guide, you can refer to our How to section.

How to Make Extension in Magento?

If you want to make your own extension in Magento, you’ll have to start out by disabling your Magento cache. Next, you’ll have to put Magento into developer mode by going to Magento 2 root in your terminal.

From here, you’ll have to create a Hello World module folder. You’ll also have to create a file called etc/module.xml, enable the module, and create a controller. This will give you an ability to create custom modules.


Owning an eCommerce store comes with a number of concerns as to how one can increase sales. That’s when the above extensions come in handy. With these, you can increase your conversions and generate more leads. In the process, you’ll witness more sales within your store. WEB4PRO offers merchants qualitative Magento 2 extension development and consultations about which extensions are right for your business.

Posted on: September 13, 2018


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