Artificial Intelligence in Magento 2

Artificial intelligence has brought a new dimension of productivity to eCommerce. Magento® 2 takes full advantage of this technology. They have led the eCommerce industry into the future. Certain features can’t be automated. But Magento 2 has struck the right balance in this regard. Magento uses Artificial Intelligence in all the right places to boost functionality.

Features of Artificial Intelligence in Magento

Here are some ways in which Artificial Intelligence has enhanced the way Magento 2 works.

AI Context Search Solution

Traditional searching in an online store has always operated on a keyword-matching basis. It relies on matching keywords to information tags attached to product descriptions. This is effective enough. But it still means that exact keywords have to be used. Also, there will always be products that get included because they share a keyword. But, they do not have any contextual relationship.

Artificial intelligence solves this problem. It adds the element of “context” to all searches. AI uses NLP (Natural Language Processing) to understand the meaning of keywords. It uses this information to show the most relevant results. AI-based searches always yield more accurate results for your customers.

Gathering Target Audience

Artificial intelligence uses machine learning to teach itself the buying patterns of customers. It analyses what products get browsed versus demographics versus historical data.

AI combines these factors, including others, to create predictive models. These models show you what customers respond to. Magento 2 uses them to figure out who their target base is so that marketing efforts can be more focused. Using AI, less energy gets wasted because you can target the people most likely to buy your products.

Magento 2 extensions help gather the information they need to learn customers’ shopping patterns. These extensions are a crucial investment for any Magento 2 online store. Using them eliminates the possibility of human bias or error.

Magento’s Security Standards

Security in eCommerce is of utmost importance. AI and Magento 2 help keep your online store safe against fraud. This is thanks to the fraud detection and prevention tools built into Magento. Combining these tools with AI can help solve business problems more quickly and in a cheaper way. Queues of manual transactions can now get processed using AI.

AI processes learn the necessary steps and then perform these actions. The fraud prevention and security measures in Magento will work better. Using AI as the programming model for fraud prevention cause results in a smarter and faster “brain”. Thus, it is less open to human fallacy and interference.

Artificial Intelligence in Magento 2 Extensions

Magento 2 extensions can add AI capabilities to your online store. Here are a few types of these extensions.


Chatbots are virtual conversational partners. They allow for real-world language conversations between customers and the store. Thanks to AI, the chatbot can interpret certain conversation parts as commands. It understands the context of your conversation and can seamlessly carry out commands. Orders can be placed right there in the chat window. There’s no need for a separate checkout process. It’s a faster purchasing experience, and that’s what customers want.

One example is Facebook Chatbot for Magento 2 that gives a business the options to serve customers via the Facebook chat feature. Another example is the Chatbot by Webkul. It also connects Magento 2 online stores to customers via Facebook Chat. It enables customers to bookmark any product via their preferred chat app. They will also receive instant alerts for products.


Modules offer amazing extra features to your existing online store. Mollie is a module that creates a more streamlined payment solution. It provides reliable security which your customers will love. It integrates all major payment methods and gives a simple refund process.

The Magento 2 Product Slider module shows suggested similar items to customers. It lets them easily find what they are looking for in one place. The Personalized products module shows predicted suggestions for what the customer wants. It also suggests complimentary items. These are items that would pair well with what the customer is searching for. This module also gives suggestions about what combinations other customers have bought.

How Artificial Intelligence Affect Marketing?

Artificial intelligence is only at its most effective when used as a tool. It cannot be used to replace actual marketers. Instead, it should be used as an aid to marketers in creating excellent marketing strategies. Artificial intelligence works well for automating tasks and analyzing data. But the human creative element is necessary and that is the job of the marketer.

One of the pillars of effective marketing is personalization. You should aim to create a scenario that is relevant to the audience. Then you are more likely to convert them into paying customers. Good personalization uses AI to understand the mind of the customer. It does not suggest products simply because they already bought it before. Artificial intelligence helps you put different personalized experiences together for each potential customer.

Magento 2 vs BigCommerce: Who Is the Winner?

We know how difficult it can be for you to choose a platform to host your online store. We will consider two major competitors in this field – Magento® 2 vs. BigCommerce. Why? The base costs of both are cheap: Magento community edition is free to install, and BigCommerce standard package is only $30/month. Let’s move on and compare them to see who will be the winner.

Difference Between BigCommerce and Magento 2

Now we can move onto the differences between BigCommerce and Magento 2. This way, you can make an informed decision about which platform is best for you.


Magento 2 is an open-source platform. This means that it is incredibly customizable because you can change themes, colors, and add features to it.

Magento 2 offers its customers’ search engine optimization, instant purchase, coupon tracking, catalog browsing, and product browsing. Magento 2 customers get to experience your online store’s social media integration, as well as messaging displays for out-of-stock products and even coupons! You also can integrate your store with Amazon, eBay to boost your sales!

BigCommerce offers 5GB of storage with its base package, and you can have unlimited products. You also have unlimited staff accounts, eBay and Amazon integration, Google Shopping, a branded store, product ratings, etc.

With BigCommerce pro plus package, you can make up to $150 000 online sales per year, and with the pro package, you can make more.

When it comes to features and functions, Magento is the best because you can tailor it entirely to the needs of your company and your customers.


Magento 2 has two different packages. The first one is the Community edition, and it’s free to install. That said, most people want to tailor their company to their needs, which is why you might want to buy some add-ons later on. The second option is Enterprise edition that cost 22,000 per year and has excellent features around B2B and now order management. It is flexible to any changes and additional functionality solutions.

BigCommerce, on the other hand, has three plans. The first is the standard package, which is $30 per month. The second is the additional package, sitting comfortably at $79.97 per month. The pro package is the most expensive and costs $249.99.

Community Support

Magento 2 offers its users technical support and help within its development community. Magento has many forums that you can ask questions on, and plenty of professionals will work to make sure that your problem is solved.

BigCommerce has the support that you can reach by email, phone, or instant chat.

Server Requirements

To run Magento 2, there are a few server requirements that you should keep in mind. For one thing, you’ll need to have Apache 2.2, 2.4, and nginx 1.x. When you have Apache, you’ll need to enable mod_rewrite, which is a feature that allows you to edit your URL.

BigCommerce handles your hosting on its own, which allows you to have more time to work on your online store. BigCommerce servers are certified and prevent server breaches.

Marketing Opportunities

Magento 2 is known for its marketing opportunities. For one thing, everyone can take advantage of the platform’s SEO. This means that you can optimize all of your products by adding metadata so that they are favored in Google. One of the best things that you can do in this case is to create individual URLs. This will make it easier for customers to find your product sites and it will be easier for Google to recognize your page, as well as what your page is about. Magento 2 offers its users Google sitemap, which makes any of the online store more user-friendly.

BigCommerce holds its own in marketing opportunities because it also offers sitemaps, meta information, and you can customize your URLs.

Social Media

BigCommerce has built-in blogging opportunities. Blogs are some of the most useful features that you can add to your eCommerce store because they allow you to expand your reach. With a blog, you can discuss your brand, and you can even take advantage of SEO to improve your search results. You will be able to get more customers by creating “How-To” guides and Q&A’s.

While Magento 2 does not have built-in blogging solutions, there are plenty of add-ons that you can install to create blogs. You can host them with your online store.

Email Marketing

Magento 2 takes the lead in email marketing. The company allows you to install add-ons that will connect you with newsletter services. Their add-ons will enable you to manage your subscribers, send welcome emails, more. If you have an existing mailing service, you can also connect this to one of your addons.

In comparison, BigCommerce offers necessary email marketing, with welcome emails and opt-in forms.

Magento 2 vs. BigCommerce: Usage Prospects

Magento 2 Clients

Magento 2 currently hosts around 0.1% of the top 100 000 sites around the world, 0.3% of the top million, and 0.2% of the entire internet. The number of eCommerce stores being hosted by Magento 2 appears to be increasing among the top 100 000 and top 1 million.

Websites using Magento 2Not only this, but there are reportedly about 11 500 physical businesses that use Magento for the online store in the United States, which is followed by just over 1 thousand companies in the Netherlands and the United Kingdom.

Magento 2 market shareBigCommerce Clients

BigCommerce, on the other hand, runs about 0.6% of the entire internet. 0.1% of the sites that use BigCommerce are among the top 100 000, and 0.5% are within the top one million. The number of the top one million websites that use BigCommerce varies depending on the year, but the platform experienced a significant drop in users at the beginning of 2018.

Websites using BigcommerceThere are around 50 thousand U.S. stores with physical locations in the United States that use BigCommerce, followed by approximately 3700 in Australia and 2700 in the U.K.

Bigcommerce market shareMagento 2 or BigCommerce: What Will You Choose?

The platform you choose to run your online store depends entirely on your needs. Overall, though, you’ll probably find that Magento 2 is the better fit for your store because it is extremely customizable. This is due to its being an open-source platform, and because you can install various add-ons that will make your store your own.

Magento 2 vs. Bigcommerce: market share infographics

Magento, Magento 2 and Bigcommerce usage statistics in 2018.

Magento 2 vs. Bigcommerce: characteristics comparison

Artificial Intelligence in eCommerce

Artificial intelligence is now being introduced into more industries and sectors. The idea of a machine being able to reason “like a human” may seem overwhelming. But, it has opened up a new dimension of productivity and service in eCommerce. Online businesses can now offer customers so much more. Let’s look at artificial intelligence in eCommerce and how it has affected the community.

What Is Artificial Intelligence?

It is also called the machine intelligence, which is created in a contrast to the human intelligence to use it in computer science, mathematics, information engineering, linguistics, philosophy, psychology, and many other fields.

Why Artificial Intelligence Is Needed?

AI is needed to simplify the process of receiving the required information. Now, we have tons of data, questions, answers, articles, and videos. Physically we are not able to find relevant information, for example, without Google search with related questions, best match, the assortment of data and other helpful AI-based solutions

That’s not all. With the growth of technologies, most fields require complex solutions to operate their products. IoT is a network of devices connected with the Internet. To perform such complex task requires AI to build a secure and stable system of devices for a house or office.

How Does Artificial Intelligence Work?

AI works by handling a large amount of data and its fast processing with intelligent algorithms which was broadened to the classification of subfields where AI is used:

  1. Machine learning – analyzes data and make predictions without being programmed for this purpose. It is used to predict the best matches and give you the variation of things that you might like.
  2. Cognitive computing – imitates and recreate the process of human thinking for better understanding of human language and the meaning of images. Together, cognitive computing and Artificial Intelligence aim to empower machine with human-like behavior.
  3. Deep Learning – are neural networks that learn by processing data. Machines use many inputs to determine one output. Another form of deep learning is speech recognition which allows the voice assistant to understand and answer difficult questions like our article covers.
  4. Neural Network – learns with examples to identify the right object. Neural networks were created from human neural connections example. These computer systems learn from large data sets by analyzing data many times to make associations and give meaning to the previously undefined data.
  5. Natural Language Processing (NLP) – allows machines to learn, understand and process human languages in context and create logical responses. This enables machine intelligence to facilitate communication between people. The example of using NLP can be apps that translate sentences and any text to other languages in a real-time.
  6. Computer Vision – enables computers to identify, process and interpret the content of an image. It serves in a healthcare and R&D sector.

Artificial Intelligence – Examples

As we are interested in eCommerce, we’ve collected the most common features where AI can be used for an online store. This includes:

  • Product recommendations
  • Advanced searches with autosuggestion and autocomplete
  • Personalization services
  • Fraud detection
  • Voice search

Also, we can’t forget about live examples. Below you can find the tools that are widely used in eCommerce and which companies have successfully implemented those tools to their stores.

The Growth of Artificial Intelligence in eCommerce

The popularity of artificial intelligence in eCommerce has grown exponentially. It has become easier and cheaper to implement in online businesses. These are some of the leading business aspects that benefit from AI:

Unique Customer Experience

Artificial intelligence can be used to personalize customers’ shopping experience. Using their buying history, it is possible to determine what other related items you should advertise to them.

AI allows this to happen, based on the guidelines that you provide. For example, if a customer buys a mobile device, the next ad they see might be for accessories for that device. Your conversion rates can increase if you market the right items to the right customers. Artificial intelligence helps make that possible.

For example, well-known VPA Alexa made by the Amazon. It is built on skills. They give a platform an opportunity to understand the verbal commands and requests. It is a cloud-based solution, and you can just use it for playing the music, creating to-do-lists, streaming podcasts, etc.


In the past, online chatting was only as responsive as its pre-programmed responses. By using AI, the chatting experience is now as satisfying as chatting with a real person.

A chatbot can act on specific conversational cues, rather than wait for hard-commands. It can mimic a conversation with a real person. They are intelligent and relatable. Customers respond to chatbots, thanks to AI development and machine learning in eCommerce.

There are many chatbots existed in Telegram messenger to stimulate customers reaction and engagement for events and posts. As well as Bank of America uses instant notifications to help customers make better financial decisions.

Virtual Shopping Assistant

Online shoppers can now enjoy the services of an intelligent virtual shopping assistant. These virtual shopping assistants can help a customer pick items based on that the customer’s preferences are. They can learn about the latest trends and combine them with the needs and tastes of the customer. They use that information to make smart suggestions to the customer.

Imagine having an assistant that accompanies you whenever you browse an online store. An AI shopping assistant who knows that you prefer plain white sneakers. Or, for example, that you’ve had your eye on a new coffee machine for a long time. Now imagine that assistant finding the best deals on those items for you.

Big Data Analytics

There are vast amounts of user data that is now available. These are just collections of raw data that need to be processed into useful information. This would usually take a lot of computing resources and workforce to analyze all this data.

We want to mention excellent Netflix strategy with the usage of AI in preempting marketing. They use history of the viewing data, flow it through their AI programs to suggest similar movies or TV shows that their customers may enjoy.

Thanks to artificial intelligence, we can let a computer sort through everything. It will create useful information by itself. This still requires some initial programming. But this is more of a guideline-giving practice. Once these guidelines are set, the data can start being analyzed. It can be used to predict trends and determine buying patterns. It is an effective way of learning about customers and what they want. It is based on their past actions and not on traditional, outdated models.

Benefits of Artificial Intelligence in eCommerce

The benefits of AI commerce are so much greater than traditional eCommerce practices. It merges the efficiency of a computer with thought processes similar to that of a human. Intelligent systems in e-Commerce can generate more profit because many functions get improved. Let’s look at a few of them.

Customer Involvement

Artificial intelligence is based on massive data sets from various sources. This means direct customer involvement with the conclusions that are reached. Your strategies can be found on actual customer data, not assumed predictions that one cannot guarantee.

The customer can engage more actively with you on all your media platforms. Customers would rather give their business to a friendly chatbot, rather than a cold, lifeless order form. The conversation between customer and merchant is more amiable.

Sales Growth

It must be noted that artificial intelligence is not meant to replace a salesperson. Instead, it provides sales staff with the information they need to deliver a better sales pitch. A successful sales pitch means more sales growth. The sum of all your AI usage ultimately leads to increased sales.

Efficient Sales Process

Artificial intelligence can accept voice and natural-language input. This means that one could place an order by only having a normal conversation with an online machine. No need for individual commands or specific processes. Asking your phone to “find a cheap flight to New York” it will do exactly that. No need to be redirected to other sites or to be put on waiting for an actual salesperson.

AI can process an order based on a regular human conversation. Customers want that kind of efficiency. This is possible, thanks to artificial intelligence online shopping.

Targeting Potential Customers

Research has shown that one-third of all marketing leads do not get followed up. This means that you could be losing potential customers by not even talking to them. Perhaps, you simply don’t have the human resources to give all that personal attention to every single lead. That is where artificial intelligence can help. It could determine how long customers spend perusing certain products (i.e., dwell time spent on a web page).

Your AI-enabled system could flag the sales staff of a potential customer showing actual interest in a product. It could also send them special offers or perhaps advertise other options for that item.

Top Best Google SEO Tools for eCommerce Business

Do you have an eCommerce business? Are you looking for new ways to help it grow? If this sounds like you, then you’ve come to the right place. Below, you can read all about the best Google SEO tools for eCommerce businesses.

Google Structured Data

If you haven’t heard of Google Structured Data before, that’s okay because we’re going to explain it anyway! Google Structured Data is essentially how Google understands web pages. It collects data from a site to gather information. Google Search uses this data to enable either enhancements or unique search results.

Google Search uses snippets from a website’s data to identify labels that will allow people to find your page by searching for specific keywords or categories. You want this for your online store because potential customers are more likely to find you.

How does it work?

You can use structured data to help Google distribute your content. To optimize your structured data, you should be enabling actions and marking content properties wherever you can.

Google Structured Data uses content markup, which describes your content. If you’re figuring out your markup content, make sure that you use larger values first, followed by smaller properties. You can use the name, URL, etc.

Google Structured Data also uses action markup. It allows you to create actions within your content; for example, if you have video content on your site, you can use WatchAction.

How to:

Let’s start off with markup content. There are three things you have to do to create markup content.

The first one is that you have to determine what you’ll be publishing on your eCommerce site. You have to decide if you’re writing articles, creating music, etc. Making this decision will allow you to optimize your online store.

Secondly, you need to decide which properties to select. Do this by going to your markup references and look at all of your available features so that you can add the data to your content pages.

The last thing you need to do is pretty simple: just test it all out with Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool.

Next, we move onto action markup. Action markup requires you to do two things.

The first thing you have to do is make yourself a markup template. This will allow you to create values that you’ll later include in your site’s HTML. You can create features on your site like offering your customers subscriptions if you’re selling products in individual packages. This is relevant for videos, episodes, or even newspapers. You can test your markup content with the feature mentioned above: Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool.

Carousel for Products and Posts

Carousel shows multiple search results on Google that are similar to your site’s content. Not only this, but carousel can create results of similar items from your website. This will increase your sales because if, for example, someone is shopping for clothing at another store, your site can pop up right next to it and your potential customers are likely to check to see what you’re all about. Not only this but if they see similar products on your site, they might want to buy more!

Featured snippets and image

When it comes to snippets, you should make sure that only information that is available to visitors and potential clients is included. If you want to add an image, make sure that it’s of high quality.

At a minimum of 696 pixels wide, you’re more likely to get good results with high-resolution images. You should always include pictures if you have an eCommerce store because it’ll give visitors an idea of what your products look like.

Rich snippets for reviews, emoji

Rich snippets are especially useful because they allow you to add extra content for articles, recipes, products, and reviews, the latter of which we’ll be discussing here. Reviews are especially useful because when people shop online, they want to know whether your products and your business in general, are good. You have to implement rich snippets by using structured data.

Google will display a variety of reviews, from critic reviews to review snippets. You can have these appear as a search result with Google Knowledge Cards.

Google Voice Search: how to use it for online store

Voice search is on the rise, which means you don’t only have to optimize your site for desktop computers anymore, but for voice search. Essentially, voice search is when you use features like Apple’s Siri, Google’s Google Assistant, or Microsoft’s Cortana to search the internet.

When HigherVisibility surveyed 2000 people, around 27% of them were found to use virtual assistants daily, which is why you should be considering Google Voice Search as a useful Google SEO tool when you’re trying to optimize your online store.

‘How to’ section as a valuable content on your website

The first thing you have to do if you want to use Google Search for your online store is to verify it with Google Search Console. This will allow you to check whether your site and its multiple pages are mobile-friendly.

If you want to use Google Search, you shouldn’t block CSS, JavaScript, images, etc. on your mobile site. You should also avoid using Flash because many mobile browsers aren’t able to support it, which means your customers and visitors won’t be able to use Google Search on your site.

You should also make sure that your site doesn’t take too long to load because your customers won’t be willing to wait around. You can do this by improving plenty of small things; you can, for example, compress your images.

When you’re searching keywords with Google Search, you speak to it as you would another person. Because of this, you have to optimize your site to reflect dialogue. To do this, you should write your content as if you’re answering a question. You can use Google’s “People also ask” feature to find out what people are searching.

Youtube videos on your website

If it’s possible, you should try to include Youtube content on your site. That’s because when Google searches through your pages for quality, videos are one of the factors that increase this quality. Furthermore, people are more likely to stay on your page for an extended period if you have video content.

Since Google isn’t able to decipher a video, however, you should also include images and text around it that will bring in more traffic and allow Google to decipher what your page is about. This way, when people search for specific keywords, it’ll bring them right to you.

What is Magento Business Intelligence for eCommerce Business?

RJMetrics was known to have insightful business intelligence products. Their expertise went beyond a good RJMetrics review, or two and Magento® purchased them. The goal was to give Magento customers the absolute best in eCommerce solutions. E-commerce has now been accepted as standard practice for most businesses.

Since analytics has become so popular, you should aim to integrate it into your eCommerce operations. After all, analytics helps us make better business decisions. It uses your own business’s data to show the effects of your choices. Magento has the perfect solution: Magento Business Intelligence.

Meet Magento Business Intelligence

Magento Business Intelligence is a revolutionary data analytics tool for eCommerce. It gives you valuable insights that you need about promotions, customers, and products. It should be your first choice if you need any of the following in your business:

Advanced Tool for eCommerce Business Analysis

Business analysis is essential for any business activity, even more so for eCommerce businesses. Magento Business Intelligence has advanced tools to perform in-depth analysis of your data.

Robust Integrations with 3rd Party Services

Magento Business Intelligence can integrate with 3rd party data sources and APIs. You can now use these integrations to do so much more than before.

Powerful Dashboard for B2B Merchants

Magento is an expert in all aspects of eCommerce. Using this knowledge, they have developed useful dashboards for B2B merchants. They know what kind of data is essential to you and what will help your business. Magento 2 Business Intelligence puts that data at your fingertips.

Top Benefits of Magento BI

Here are some ways that Magento Business Intelligence can help your business.

Saves Your Time

Magento Business Intelligence Essentials has automated many features. For example, reports only have to be created once. They will update themselves. This frees up time that can be spent on more important things.

Magento Business Intelligence also saves time by presenting data in informative ways. You won’t have to spend time doing that and can focus on other important things.

Carries Out Advanced Analysis

Magento Business Intelligence performs sophisticated data analysis on your data. This ensures that the report you receive is relevant and practical. All analytics are based on proven informational models. The goal is to show you what your company numbers are telling you.

Provides Magento Reporting Tools

Magento Business Intelligence has comprehensive reporting tools at your disposal. They show you essential key performance indicators at a glance. Magento reporting tools are built to be as easy to use as possible. They provide indisputable facts based only on your company data.

Includes Efficient B2B Features

Magento 2 Business Intelligence has distinctive advantages for B2B. It has new dashboards, and better data analytics explicitly built for B2B. You have access to features like multi-tier data analytics and interactive consoles. They are made to help B2B merchants get the most out of their eCommerce solutions.

Magento Business Intelligence Main Features

Here are some of the impressive features built into Magento Business Intelligence:

5 Ready-to-Use Dashboards

Magento BI dashboards with 75 available reports are already available for use. The Companies dashboard shows customer health using their existing data with your company.

The Quotes dashboard displays data related to quote conversion rates and time spent on negotiation. The Sales Rep dashboard shows sales team performance with using a quote to order rates, unfulfilled quotes, etc. The Catalogs dashboard shows the success rate of your product ranges, based on product sales. The reports are related to each dashboard subject.

As you can see, Magento BI has every aspect covered. Your company overview is comprehensive and thorough.

Integration of Google Analytics and Magento Data

With Magento BI, your existing Magento data can be integrated with Google Analytics. It will show the relationship between your website traffic and your online store. You will be able to learn how best to fine-tune your website configuration to get maximum traffic. You can also see which parts of your website affect your sales negatively and positively.

2 Types of Report Builders

Magento BI gives you two kinds of report builders: SQL and Visual. The SQL Report Builder lets users run SQL queries straight to the PostgreSQL data store. The Visual Report Builder provides an easy way to visualize your Magento data. You can create charts, add metric easily and arrange it in a way that suits you.

Export Data to Excel and CSV

Raw Magento data can be exported into an Excel or CSV file. This data can also be linked to the tables it came from so that it refreshes regularly. This allows you to share this information with other stakeholders in a common format.

Email Summaries

Email summaries are text-based table versions of reports. This allows them to be viewed on mobile devices. Sometimes, mobile devices can distort the visual structure of a report and make it unreadable or confusing. Email summaries solve this problem. It prepares reports more accessible and easier to read if you’re on the go.

Ten User Accounts

Magento 2 Business Intelligence gives you ten user accounts that you can assign as you see fit. All users may have advanced permissions, but you can restrict certain permissions. These permissions allow each user to perform certain tasks or access specific Magento data. Each user can also have their own set of dashboards which can be shared with other users. If the dashboard has data that the receiver doesn’t have permission to see, those reports won’t appear in the Magento analytics dashboard.

Magento vs ATG Oracle Commerce: Your Choice for B2B

In physical retail buildings, it’s all about what the inside of your store looks like. Online, though, the eCommerce platform you choose will determine everything. If you’re currently investing in B2B, you might be wondering which the best option is: Magento® 2 or Oracle Commerce? And what benefits do Magento customers have compared to Oracle Commerce customers?
Below, we’ll tell you all about both platforms and which one is best for your needs.

Comparing Magento to Oracle

Difference between Magento and Oracle Commerce

First and Foremost, we’re going to discuss the differences between Magento 2 and Oracle Commerce because this will help you choose between the two.



Oracle Commerce (also called ATG) is geared toward retail companies, and it allows its customers to launch new websites, customize campaigns, and more.

Oracle sets itself apart from other platforms because it allows customers to batch transactions together. This means that if you have multiple transactions to pay for, you can group them all.
The extensive documentation covers all issues, so by setting it out you will make clear how to use a/b testing feature or other additional functionality.


In comparison, Magento is a platform that tailored for many different eCommerce businesses. It provides clients and customers with everything they need for marketing, as well as business tips and omnichannel features.

Magento 2 is especially useful for enterprises because while it costs more, there are more features and add-ons available. Not only this, but technical support is always available. Extra features with Magento Enterprise edition include customer loyalty programs and management features.
If you’re on a budget, the Magento community edition can offer anything you need if you own a smaller or midsized business.
Magento platform already has lots of followers and because of the number of features, two editions and popularity it is the most widely used e-Commerce software in the world.


Oracle Commerce

The cost of running Oracle makes it less desirable to most customers. Not only this, but most find it rather hard to operate. Competitors like SQL Server offer user-friendly options for creating online websites. Magento 2 has also come with more solutions for users; for example, they offer a “drag-and-drop” option to make designing easy. The timeline of the Magento websites is 4-5 months to get up and running, while for Oracle Commerce it may be 1-4 years (depends on the project complexity.)


Magento is an open-sourced platform, which means it’s incredibly customizable. That said, this feature makes it more complex for people who want to make customizations. You might also want to hire a developer, and this will cost you more money.

B2B Features

Magento offers businesses the flexibility they need for B2B. According to their site, Magento is the #1 platform for B2B in 2017. They also enable customers to make their own catalogs and negotiate price.

Beyond this, Magento 2 offers an instant purchase checkout. This feature stores past credit and shopping information to make the process faster. Afterward, customers can use Magento shipping, which is a feature that has multi-carrier shipping.

Oracle focuses on each business to offer them a personalized experience rather than a one-size-fits-all solution. This company is continuously evolving to accommodate for Oracle ATG Web Commerce Clients. The platform allows people to manage their entire eCommerce website from the same channel.

With Oracle, sites and single-purpose campaigns can be built and; thereby, launched quickly compared to other platforms. Oracle customers can use Oracle Commerce Experience Manager, which allows business owners to set up their website without assistance. You can control anything from the layout to the merchandising.

Website Security

Oracle works primarily with Cloud. While most people have severe (and valid) concerns about cloud security, Oracle attempts to help by providing customers with the best security policies around the world. Organizations can create and effectuate their security policies to help clients and company owners to feel more secure.

Magento keeps its clients and customers up-to-date with regular security updates. With Magento, shopping or surfing online has never been safer. Magento allows you to run security scans on your page and for advanced developers, the platform offers Yara. This is a program which checks for malware throughout your platform and files.

MageReport is another opportunity for you to enhance web security. With this program, you can scan for ransomware, brute force attacks, visbot malware, and more! It will also examine your site’s third-party extensions.

Server Requirements

Server requirements for Magento 2 include Apache 2.x and Nginx 1.7.x. Whichever server you’re using, you should make sure that it can run scheduled jobs with PHP.5 and that it can override options in access files.
Oracle can use Internet Explorer 7.x and 8.x, Firefox 3.5 and 3.6, as well as Safari 4 and 5.

Magento 2 Vs. Oracle Commerce: Usage Prospects

Oracle Commerce Customers

Oracle Commerce runs about 0.1% of the entire Internet. There are 15 322 physical businesses in the United States that use Oracle. Next, we have Germany with 395 locations and the United Kingdom with 347. Oracle is gaining the majority of its clients from Magento and AbleCommerce.

Around 0.3% of the top one million eCommerce businesses are built with Oracle and about 1.2% of the top 100, 000 websites online. A total of 20, 064 live websites are using Oracle Commerce and historically, 8, 501 websites have used Oracle.

websites using Oracle CommerceMagento 2 Customers

The United States is the country that has the most physical business using Magento 2. The U.S. has 753 physical locations, while the United Kingdom has 115 and the Netherlands has 71. Magento is also reported to be gaining the majority of its customers from WooCommerce and Opencart.

Magento 2 market share

Overall, Magento runs 216,024 currently live websites out of all eCommerce businesses online. As for Magento 2, 21,313 sites are using it now, and this number continues to grow.

Websites using Magento 2

Oracle Commerce vs. Magento 2: What is Your Choice?

When it comes to your online site, it’s important that you choose the best platform for your business. Two of the best competitors are Magento and Oracle. Oracle is focused mainly on retail companies, so if this doesn’t suit your company, then you should consider going with Magento instead.

Let’s summarize!

Magento 2 and Oracle Commerce global usage

Oracle Commerce and Magento 2 Market Share

Magento 2 vs Oracle Commerce Comparison

How to Become Magento Partner: Follow the Magento Partners Program

Each year, Magento® sees around $50 billion in overall business. It is clear that the platform is popular due to its reliability. Now it’s possible to go a step further and become a Magento Associate Partner. Let’s take a closer look at the conditions of the program.

What Is a Magento Partner Program?

The Magento Partner Program is mutually beneficial. It lets you and Magento align your business resources and goals. Partners are businesses that become a part of Magento’s ecosystem of technologies and network companies. Finding other partners is easy, just find a Partner page to browse the Magento Partner directory.

What Are the Types of  Partnership?

You can enter into two types of partnerships: Solutions Partners and Technology Partners. Each type has its own conventions and benefits. But surely they have got some differences in requirements.

Magento Solution Partner

Solution Partners are associates who can develop new solutions for clients using the Magento platform. Over 250 000 brands make use of it. However, not all clients have the development expertise to make full use of its potential. That’s where a Magento Business Solution Partner can help.

Over 300 consulting companies that became part of this program are succeeding with solutions for their clients. As a part of the partnership, they get access to product training and enablement in marketing and sales. They also get access to valuable resources to help drive growth in their companies. Magento has created four partnership levels to assist Solution Partners according to their scope and requirements.

What are The Types of Solution Partners?

Business Partners: Companies that either just started their experience of partnership or specialize in implementing Magento Community Edition. Mainly they are serving small to midsize companies.

Professional Partners: Experts who serve to emerge mid-size brands. They implement Magento Commerce Edition regularly in their solutions and stay current with all B2B innovations.

Enterprise Partners: Performing the full-service offerings, they specialize in more significant Magento technical solutions. Enterprise specialists have proven their commerce development capabilities and vested commitment by delivering the best customer experience. They are also keen on vertical expertise.

Global Elite Partners: Companies specialize in full-service project integration with their certified developers and B2B experience. By demonstrating high levels of excellence in the world of eCommerce, they can manage highly sophisticated solutions for top-tier clients.

How to Become Magento Solution Partner

If you would like to know how to become a Magento Solution Partner, merely contact Magento, and they will get you started on the application process. Once the application process is completed, you will be notified, and you can be in a community.

Magento Technology Partner

An Extension Builder Partner is a 3rd-party company that builds extensions for the Magento platform. These extensions enhance Magento’s capabilities. It can also enable integration with other products.

What Are the Types of Extension Builder Partners?

There are two of them: General Partners and Select Partners. Both partner types revel most of the program benefits. However, Select Partners do enjoy bigger discounts on Magento Training. They also get prioritized extension quality processing. This helps to ensure their upgraded extensions go live on the Magento Marketplace as soon as possible.

How to Become Technology Partner?

All potential Magento Technology Partners need to have a Magento extension that is already built. You should pass a review done by a Magento team, and have the Magento developer account. An extension is not essential for companies that specialize in performance and hosting. Simply contact Magento, and they will take you through the entire process.

Benefits of Becoming Magento Official Partners

A Magento partnering is a commitment to mutual growth and benefit. It allows you to access the largest eCommerce ecosystem in the world. The Magento community is vast. You can network with a huge community which is a doorway to a wealth of resources. It offers you many valuable tools and services that are designed to help grow your company. These range from excellent discounts on development tools to regular access to informative workshops. So, they will do their utmost to help your business grow as big as it can.


As with all programs of this nature, there are always hurdles to overcome. In the case of Magento, they are very few. The benefits far outweigh the negatives. However, let’s look at them so you can get the complete picture of the Magento Partner Program.

Your Company Revenue and Fees

Magento does charge a fee to join the Partner Program. This is dependent on the size of your company or the revenue that your company receives.

The annual fee to join the Solution Partner Program is $5 000 for Registered and Professional Partners. The fee for Enterprise Partners is $10 000. This fee gives you all the value that comes from being affiliated with this vast community. You also receive individual tech support, marketing opportunities, and a free Enterprise production and development license

There are two ways to join the Technology Partner program. One option is to participate as an Xcelerate Tech Partner. This option only requires an annual fee based on your revenue and partner level.

Magento Partner Fees

The other option is to become an Xcelerate Extension Builder. This requires an annual program fee and a 30% revenue share. Select Partners pay $10 000, and Premier Partners pay $20 000.

Magento 2.2 Features and Main Upgrades

Magento® has proven itself time and time again in the business world. It is the preferred choice of thousands of online stores. Magento prides itself on always providing its best possible version to its users. It has the most productive features currently available. Let’s take a look at what highlights and upgrades it has undergone.

What’s New in Magento 2.2?

You can look forward to these impressive new features in Magento 2.2:

Advanced Reporting

Magento 2.2 offers improved reporting for customer, products, and orders. This feature is free and available across the Enterprise and Community editions. It can be accessed from the Magento console for admins. It is a working trial of the Magento Business Intelligence (BI) solution. This makes for a more comfortable transition into Magento Business Intelligence Essentials. It combines data from Magento and Google Analytics. This gives you powerful data visualizations of your business. You can adjust the reports per specified date ranges. You can also view all reports from a single dashboard. So you can see each metric’s performance in the context of each other. You don’t have to open many tabs or switch between reports.

Fraud Protection

Signifyd is a subscription service that has been integrated with Magento 2.2. It gives merchants chargeback and fraud protection. It can be implemented on an on-demand basis for individual orders. The full package applies this feature to all orders. Signifyd takes on total risk by offering 100% chargeback protections. It is available with Magento Enterprise and Community editions.

Since Signifyd protects many merchants already, they can flag suspicious behavior. If this happens, Magento keeps a special lookout on that user information (e.g., Email address, IP addresses, etc.) on its other websites. When the same information tries to order with another merchant, you get notified.

Magento 2.2 B2B Features

The cost and complexity of building a Magento B2B site are now reduced. It is possible by including company account features as a standard inclusion. Merchants can support companies that have more than one buyer. Accounts can be managed using Magento’s easy self-service tools. Buyer accounts can be arranged into a hierarchy like their company purchasing structure. Now you can define roles and permissions for each user.

The request-for-quote workflow is streamlined and can be fully managed within Magento. Quotes can be requested directly from the shopping cart. They can contain additional comments and even documents to support their request. Customers can then view the status of the quote and correspond with the merchant. As a merchant, you can enjoy similar features when issuing a quote. You can also add comments, additional documents, and quote expiry dates. There are also negotiation tools within the quote to help you. You may adjust the actual order cost and/or shipping cost to suit your customer’s needs. You can also include suggestions/ substitutions and show how the quote is affected.

The purchasing process is much smoother and faster. Speed is essential to the success of your business. Ordering by SKU becomes easy. Customers can upload a file (CSV) containing SKUs to start their orders. Magento will confirm if they belong to the assigned catalog and if they are available. Images and descriptions of products get displayed to the buyer for verification. Requisition lists allow for easy re-ordering of frequently purchased items. Quantities can be easily tweaked. Customers can repeat previous orders without putting the same list together again. Repeating includes the same items, shipping address, and payment options.

The Payment on Account feature lets you extend credit to companies. You can enable and disable Payment on Account per website if you have more than one. You may also control which payment methods customers can use. You may also specify which countries are eligible to apply it. Minimum and maximum order amounts for credit purchases may be set. There is a comprehensive set of credit management tools available. These tools put you in complete control of who and how you extend credit to. Your customers get shown full details of their credit status with you. All past credit transactions are available to view.

Customized Catalogs and Price Lists lets your customer see relevant items to them. Products and categories get displayed according to settings for each customer. Custom pricing can be set for individual customers. You may use fixed or dynamic pricing for percentage discounts. Any changes to shared catalogs will run in the background and not affect work. Users get notified when the process ends.

There are new web APIs for new features. It enables simple ERP integrations for various new features. This integration uses the same authentication and documentation as current Magento 2 APIs.

Platform Changes

Magento 2.2 enhances security by only using unserialize() calls when necessary. Magento also uses a redesigned hashing calculation to improve safety for sensitive data. The developer experience has been enhanced by improving cron, and JS exceptions logging around plugins in the core is limited. Original call parameters have been added to after plugins. So debugging plugins is less demanding. The technology stack and library components are updated. The developer experience of the UI component has been improved.

Mass Asynchronous Operations enable simple improvement of long-running processes in business. It assumes that business logic manages all retries. This is clear in B2B Shared Catalogs.

Pipeline deployment flow enables you to run separate stages in the processes for building and deploying. There are many new CLI commands to make configuration much more comfortable between environments. A production environment upgrade can now happen in under 60 seconds. This meet’s Magento’s goal to help new and emerging business technology.

Enhanced Performance

There are significant indexer improvements within Magento 2.2. Clients may use your store even while the indexers are running. Long-running indexers work in groups to manage memory and run times better. The cart has also seen improvements. Carts with over 300 items are now supported. Quantity changes activated by checkout are not invalidated anymore. Varnish “Grace” and “Saint” modes get enabled as a default setting. New B2C and B2B benchmark files are part of Magento 2.2.

Top Great Magento and eCommerce Events 2018 You Must Visit

When you have a business, especially in eCommerce, you always search answers for the specific questions and brand new strategy and marketing ideas to stay in the game. For anyone who’s interested in eCommerce, you should consider going to some great Magento® and eCommerce events 2018. This will give you the opportunity to learn about specific companies and to get new skills for your business. Below, you can find a list of the top great Magento and eCommerce events that you should visit in 2018.

Top Magento Events in 2018

Engage Toronto 2018

When: February 16, 2018

Where: As the name suggests, Engage Toronto is being hosted in Toronto, Ontario, CA.

For whom: This seminar is only hosted for merchants.

About: Top companies like La Vie en Rose, Structube Leaders from Magento, Dotmailer, Signifyd, inRiver, Dynamic Yield and Absolunet will be providing discussions. At this event, you’ll be able to speak with merchants to figure out solutions to problems you might be having. On top of it, all of your meals and cocktails are included!

Meet Magento

Meet Magento complements the annual Imagine conference and hosted by the Magento team so you wouldn’t miss the most important industry, marketing, and technology news. A broad range of sessions, networking activities, exhibitions and pleasureful parties gathered under one roof.

Map of the Meet Magento events

Magento Live Europe

When: October 9-10, 2018

Where: Barcelona

For whom: Register as a general attendee or as a merchant.

About: This seminar is meant for those who want to be kept up-to-date with everything in the world of eCommerce and with Magento’s ecosystem. The event takes two days, and you can even submit a proposal to be one of the speakers.
The venue is Palau de Congressos de Catalunya.

Imagine 2018

When: April 23-25, 2018

Where: Las Vegas, Nevada

For Whom: As you can network with key merchants, partners, and developers so this is the primary audience there.

About: This year marks the eighth year anniversary of this event, and it gathers people from all over the world. Merchants and agencies from 50 different countries are combined to discuss, inspire, and appreciate Magento.

Top eCommerce Events You Must Visit in 2018

eTail Conference

When: February 26 – March 01, 2018

Where: JW Marriott, Palm Springs, CA

For whom: You can meet there eCommerce business owners, merchants, and marketers.

About: eTail is essentially the TED Talk of the eCommerce world. This event allows for only the best of the digital commerce world to share their stories and talk about everything going on in the industry. Companies like H & M, Tesco, Coca-Cola, etc. attend the conference.

Traffic & Conversation

When: February 26-28, 2018

Where: San Diego

For whom: This summit will be necessary for the eCommerce business owners.

About: Thousands of people attend these summits to learn about what’s new and hot in the eCommerce world. From teaching you about marketing to the best selling models, anyone invested in eCommerce should be attending these events.

DX3 Canada

When: March 7-8, 2018

Where: Toronto, Canada

For Whom: Anyone involved with eCommerce.

About: This exhibit features many known companies like IBM, Samsung, Paypal, Mastercard, etc. For two days and one night, you can work to grow your own business by creating new connections and listening to some of the best speakers in the world.

Sellers Summit 2018

When: May 3 – May 5, 2018

Where: Fort Lauderdale, Florida

For Whom: The core importance is for merchants and sellers.

About: This two-day event serves to increase sales and improve business strategies for anyone in the eCommerce world. Their event site claims that instead of listening to speakers discuss their own business, you can learn about products you should be ordering from Amazon, production companies you can order from in Asia, etc.

Internet Retailing Expo 2018

When: March 21-22, 2018

Where: NEC, Birmingham, UK

For Whom: Would be useful for retailers and businesses, who want to show their product at the exhibition part.

About: The Internet Retailing Expo event is one of the most significant multichannel events for both retailers and suppliers in the UK. You can gain knowledge in eCommerce and sales with the best speakers and present your company at the local exhibition.

E-commerce Summit 2018

When: April 20, 2018

Where: Brussels, Belgium

For Whom: An essential event for anyone who wants to enter the eCommerce and who are already involved in it.

About: If you want to find out the greatest eCommerce trends for the future such as voice shopping, product subscriptions or personalization, challenge your ideas and get more inspiration from success stories and cases shared by speakers and professionals during the sessions, you should check in there.

Emerce E-Commerce Live 2018

When: May 30, 2018

Where: Beurs van Berlage, Amsterdam, the Netherlands

For Whom: Connects retailers, webshops, direct sellers, manufacturers, wholesalers, and brands.

About: You will be listening speakers who know a lot of trends, practice the best tactics and use the hottest innovations in e-commerce. Meet, connect and collaborate with more than 1500 attendees on the place.

The Benefits of Magento Commerce 2.2 for B2B Business

Technological advances have changed what customers want out of their online buying experiences. Buyers prefer fast processes and the flexibility to make purchases 24 hours a day. If you’re a B2B seller, the stakes are higher because one sale can make or break your profit margin. Don’t worry. Magento® has you covered. Read about the benefits of Magento Commerce 2.2 for B2B business below.

Magento 2.2 Enterprise and eCommerce B2B Trends

Buyers demand immediacy and convenience. Companies are competing in customer experiences, not only lower prices. Accenture research shows that B2B buyers who shop online behave the following way:

eCommerce B2B Trends 2018Studies show that 63% of B2B buyers research half or more of their work purchases online. Most of them use their smartphones. 53% of B2B buyers have indicated they will make half or more of their work purchases online by 2018. Failure to meet changing preferences can be costly. According to Accenture research, 71% of B2B buyers indicated that they would switch suppliers if it meant they would receive a better digital experience.

Magento solutions integrate with any backend system and offer all the B2B functions you could want in your online store. There is less complexity to deal with. Best of all, this is accomplished at a lower total cost. That makes it easier for you to afford all the features and functions that your B2B customers want.

The key benefits that you get by choosing Magento Commerce 2.2 for B2B are invaluable. Magento lets you get to the market faster because all solutions are cloud-based and business-ready. It allows you to build customer loyalty by offering useful self-service account management tools. Magento also helps you grow sales with their fast and straightforward purchasing features. A quick buying process is vital to your customers. Magento supports personalized buying experiences for different customer segments, all from one platform. It integrates with any backend system with ready-made connectors and Magento’s wide variety of REST APIs. There is no need to replace or rip-and-repair existing backend. That means your store goes online in a shorter period and at a lower cost.

Magento Commerce 2.2 Capabilities

Now that we know what Magento 2.2 EE can do let’s take a look at some features that will accomplish this.

Increased Features for Company Accounts

Magento Commerce 2.2 for B2B business includes support for company accounts, not only individuals’ accounts. When your customer is another business, you can be sure that they have their buying infrastructure in place. That means you could be dealing with multiple buyers within the same company. Each would have their buying roles and limits. You can set their buying privileges, roles, and permissions into their accounts.

Self-Service Tools

Magento Commerce 2.2 for B2B companies has several useful self-service tools. Buyers can track their orders, quotes, and credit. There is no need for them to make contact with you to make queries. All the information they need will be available to them at any time via their self-service portal.

Customized User Experiences

Magento 2.2 features offer significant customizations for your customers’ front-end experiences. Catalogs and price lists will adjust what your customers see. These functions depend on what kind of products they prefer. So, you can offer set prices or dynamic pricing to companies. User experiences can also be segmented according to different locations and product lines. So customers can be presented with only products available in their location or their preferred product line.

Credit Facilities

Magento B2B features enable you to extend credit to your customers. It will increase sales, customer retention and loyalty to your business. Your customers will get access to their self-service tools to manage their credit. You can control credit limits and monitor overall and individual credit usage.

Online Quote System

Magento Commerce 2.2 helps you improve quote response times using a helpful online quote system. It enables users to submit quote requests straight from their online cart. They will also be able to do this using previous quotes and orders. All communication between parties is integrated displayed in the quote-management system. This feature helps track quote adjustments and the reasons for such. All updates are also logged in the quote history so you can see adjustments as they are made. The online quote system can easily handle additions and substitutions. All quotes can be tracked using its self-service portal.

New Magento 2.2 B2B Features

Let’s take a look at some of the unique enhancements and features that have been made to Magento 2.2 B2B:

New order forms. Now the new forms are incredibly quick. They also now accept uploaded CSV files which helps save the customer time by loading all required items at one time.

Requisition lists. Your customers can now set up requisition lists with products that are frequently purchased. It also saves them time by helping repeat their usual orders automatically.

Reordering feature. Your customers can also reorder using previous orders. Their new order will merely repeat the past order using all its existing product, account and payment details.

Running in the background. When making shared product catalog changes, Magento 2.2 works in the background allowing you to keep working while the shared catalog gets updated. That means more productivity and less downtime.

More useful APIs. The number of Magento 2 APIs has increased to 4 times the previous amount. All new features have simple APIs to handle company accounts, credit limits, shared catalogs, quote management and requisitions lists. There’s also a handy API for tier pricing to adjust prices for several products quickly.

Improved reporting. The Magento 2.2 B2B business intelligence reports now offer four other dashboards. This feature provides valuable insights into essential business aspects. You can quickly view analytics for the entire quote-to-order process to monitor quotes vs. actual orders. You can also track sales rep KPIs which shows you how your sales reps are performing. It also shows company metrics and general customer “health” from an overall perspective. Catalog performances are also easy to view now.